The water company reads the meters in January, April, July, and October and the bills come out to the members after the readings. The bills are due in 30 days from the date on the bill.
Members can either pay their bills by mailing a payment to H&J Water Co., P.O. Box 1214, Julian, CA 92036 or they can also pay by "bill-pay" through their bank if they so desire, again mailing to the above-referenced P.O. Box address.
Contact the Board through the H&J email ( and ask to be shown where the meters are located. Most likely, a map with the particular meter will be forwarded to the member.
The regular Board Meetings are scheduled and announced by email to all members at least 10 days prior to the meeting. The location is announced at this time also. The ANNUAL MEETNG is the 4th Sunday of June usually at 2:00 p.m. (location to be determined). All members are required to attend the Annual Meeting. If members do not attend, then they must complete a Proxy for their vote which the water company sends out to all members prior to the Annual Meeting. Failure to attend or submit a proxy will result in a nonparticipation fee of $25.00.
Yes, the water company treats the water with chlorine. The water company has a certified Water Operator who takes care of the water. Monthly tests are performed for water quality and chlorine levels are checked daily.
No. H&J Water Company is solely managed by volunteers. The volunteers have a two year term; the Water Board consists of 5 Board Members (i.e., President, Treasurer, Secretary, and two Members-at-Large). There is no set office or phone number. To reach a Board member it is best to go through the H&J email if you have a question or need anything (
2022-2023 | ||
Bylaws Art. 2.4 (H) Rules and Regs Section 6.4 | Water Usage per 100 Gallons | $1.26 per 100 gal. |
Bylaws Art. 2.4 (B) Rules and Regs Sect. 4.2 | Annual Dues | $420 per year; $105 per quarter |
Rules and Regs Sect. 6.2 | Stand-by Fee for each lot | $67.20 per year; $16.80 per quarter |
Bylaws Art. 2.4 (I). Rules and Regs Sect. 8.1 | Late Fee | 15% of bill total |
Bylaws Art. 2.4 (A). Rules and Regs Sect. 4.2 | New Membership Fee | $7,500 |
Bylaws Art. 2.4 (J) Rules and Regs Sect. 4.2 | Transfer Membership Fee | $2,500 |
Rules and Reg Sect. 6.6 (E) | Application for Membership or Transfer Fee | $50 |
Rules and Reg. Sect. 4.4 and 6.6 (F) | Fee to turn on a closed off Meter for delinquency | $100 |
Bylaws Art. 4.4 (H) | Quarterly payments to Officers | $75 |
Rules and Regs Sect. 6.6 (G) | Meter Clearing for Reading if not done by owner | $20 |
Rules and Regs. 6.6 (H) | Non- Participation fee for not providing proxies for Annual Meeting and any special/emergency all member meetings. | $25 |